Dutch beer challenge 2020

Dutch beer challenge 2020

One of the things that can be a part of being an international biersommelier is being asked to be a judge in a beer competition. I was asked to judge in the Dutch Beer Challenge of 2020 and of course I said yes!



As I visited Burton last year with the new students, I visited Dortmund in 2018 with my own study group. Our assignment was to brew a Dortmunder Export, but none of us ever drank a Dortmunder Export before.

(Off) flavours

(Off) flavours

If you think being a biersommelier is all about trying the newest and best beers and drinking all kind of nice stuff, think again … Training for becoming a biersommelier puts beer and flavours in a whole new perspective, and unfortunately not all is well in paradise.

World championships Rimini 2019

World championships Rimini 2019

I told you about the Dutch championships, well, a week ago I was at the world championships Biersommelier! Dennis Kort, Pepijn van der Waa and Hubert Hecker were the Dutch delegation and Maurus, Uwe, Frans and I joined them as their cheerleaders.

StiBON: Level 2

StiBON: Level 2

As soon as I heard that I passed the level 1 exams I signed up for level 2. Level 2 consists of 12 (actually 13) detailed lessons about everything you can imagine beer related, but like every course in the end you have just scratched the surface.

Training for the Championships, our dilemmas.

Training for the Championships, our dilemmas.

I want to participate in the Dutch championships in 2020. Not to win – not saying that wouldn’t be nice – but mainly to participate in the first three rounds, test myself on my knowledge and tasting abilities ánd as a bonus…

Dutch Championships for Biersommelier (2018)

Dutch Championships for Biersommelier (2018)

In June 2018 the Guild for Dutch Biersommeliers organised the first Dutch Championships for Biersommelier. The Champions were partly meant to figure out which three contestants would participate in the World Championships on behalf of the Netherlands.