I’ve been to Düsseldorf several times and no doubt I will visit the city again in the future. It’s one of my most favorite beer cities!
Category: Breweries
Eindhoven: Rob Bours
I interviewed him about 100 Watt specifically, but it became such a long story and it was such a fun interview that I decided to make a separate post. This is the story of Rob
Eindhoven: Brewery 100 Watt
One of the local bigger breweries you can visit in Eindhoven is Brewery 100 Watt and their bar.
Eindhoven: David Hendrich
I said I would come back to the beer side of Eindhoven. And what better way to start than to talk to someone who wanted to write about beery side of Eindhoven as well and ended up with writing a book about the breweries of the past in Eindhoven?
Board game: Het geheim van Grimbergen (The secret of Grimbergen)
Because of the Social Distancing I decided to review several board games this period. This time it’s time for an IP game: Het geheim van Grimbergen
Brewery: Brouwerij Opener
In 2019 De Efteling launched two new beers, this time for the Efteling hotel. These beers are also brewed by a local Brewery, Brouwerij Opener, so of course I had to go there to check it out.
As I visited Burton last year with the new students, I visited Dortmund in 2018 with my own study group. Our assignment was to brew a Dortmunder Export, but none of us ever drank a Dortmunder Export before.
Brewery: Cantillon
When I visited Brussels last year it wasn’t specifically for the beery things. The main beery thing of the trip was a Gueuze brewery, namely Cantillon.
Presenting Boltons Ur-Alt
One part of being a biersommelier is knowing your classics. Therefore I want to present a beer to you once in a while. Today that’s going to be Boltons Ur-Alt
Eindhoven city tour
As of last week we are with almost 250 certified biersommeliers in the Netherlands. A week ago Tastewise and I guided a group of biersommeliers through beery Eindhoven.