This post is way overdue, but Eindhoven is my home town, and certainly needs to be here. Besides, Eindhoven has such an interesting beer history!
Category: Breweries
Burton-on-Trent and beer
Burton-on-Trent is historically speaking a very important beer city and it is mainly known for this extensive brewing history, with its height around the 18th and 19th centuries.
Malt houses
Malt. Since you are reading this blog, you probably know something about beer and its present-day main ingredients: water, yeast, hops and malt, But what’s malt?
Unser Aventinus
Starkbierfest. Aventinusfest. Madnessfest! Madness? Almost suicidally so, I’d say, a fest where the main beverage is a glass of beer with almost 7! units of alcohol.
Schneider Weisse fanclubtreffen
The interesting part about Schneider is that they hold their fans in special regard. They even have fanclubs all over the world which they support and every year there’s a fanclubtreffen. This year the treffen was in Eindhoven.
Bamberg and beer
Bamberg, the city of rauchbier. But more importantly, the city with probably the biggest specialty malts house over the world. I will come back to malt houses later.
Salzburg and beer
I haven’t got a lot of knowledge about the Austrian beer history yet and I hope to get back to this topic better educated. But for now I’ll just share with you our beery adventures in Salzburg.
Trumer Brewery
Additionally to the course we got a tour through the Trumer brewery in Obertrum am See by the always enthusiastic and wonderful Johanna.