A changed name is an updated post for Brewstudio Ølik formerly known as Het Rijkshotel
Category: Eindhoven

Eindhoven: Club Craft
Officially since March this year there is something new in Eindhoven: Club Craft. But the attentive reader has probably already heard this name before.

Eindhoven: Brewery: Van Moll
A lot has changed, so I updated my post about brewpub Van Moll, the first new brewery in Eindhoven

Updates will be less regular for at least the upcoming year.

Eindhoven: OLDSKOOL Brewery
I present brewery OLDSKOOL, or Dennis Kort, Enfant Terrible 😉 (I mean this affectionately) of the Dutch Beer World since 2007.

Eindhoven: The Drinkers Pub
e wrong, I love all the beer venues in Eindhoven dearly, but the one place you will probably find me the most is the Drinkers Pub. So yeah, I realise this post is ridiculously overdue.

Eindhoven: Brewery: Rabauw
Last month I visited the oldest ánd the newest brewpubs in Eindhoven, the first being Van Moll, the second one being Rabauw. As a care and welfare worker myself ánd being autistic, Rabauw is extra interesting to me as it is a social enterprise as well as a brewpub.

Eindhoven: Van Moll Fest
Guest post by Judy: In 2019 the choice of beer festivals was enormous. One must-go festival was Van Moll Fest!

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 2
In July 2021 Monique, Frank and I experimented with medieval brewery in our beloved museum preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven. The goal was not to brew a drinkable beer (although that would have been nice) but to show people how brewing could have been done back then. Based on our earlier research we decided to use hot stones this time.

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 1
As some of you might know I am a volunteer at the local history museum. preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven once started as an archeological experiment, building a house based on archeological research in a probable historical way.