Guest post by Judy: In 2019 the choice of beer festivals was enormous. One must-go festival was Van Moll Fest!
Tag: beer cities
Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 2
In July 2021 Monique, Frank and I experimented with medieval brewery in our beloved museum preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven. The goal was not to brew a drinkable beer (although that would have been nice) but to show people how brewing could have been done back then. Based on our earlier research we decided to use hot stones this time.
Brewery: De Gooische Bierbrouwerij
With the current status of the world I don’t feel like traveling abroad, so I took the opportunity to visit four of my favourite people in the Dutch brewing world; Carina and Gert from brewery Mommeriete and Arjanneke and Gijs from De Gooische bierbrouwerij.
Brewery: Mommeriete
With the current status of the world I don’t feel like traveling abroad, so I took the opportunity to visit four of my favourite people in the Dutch brewing world; Carina and Gert from brewery Mommeriete and Arjanneke and Gijs from De Gooische bierbrouwerij.
Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 1
As some of you might know I am a volunteer at the local history museum. preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven once started as an archeological experiment, building a house based on archeological research in a probable historical way.
Dutch Beer Challenge 2021
One of the things that can be a part of being an international biersommelier is being asked to be a judge in a beer competition. I was asked again to judge in the Dutch Beer Challenge of 2021 and of course I said yes!
I’ve been to Düsseldorf several times and no doubt I will visit the city again in the future. It’s one of my most favorite beer cities!
Brabants lekkerste bier
Last Thursday I had the honour to be judge for the Brabant’s most tasty beer competition, Brabant being the most awesome province of the Netherlands.
Eindhoven: Rob Bours
I interviewed him about 100 Watt specifically, but it became such a long story and it was such a fun interview that I decided to make a separate post. This is the story of Rob
Eindhoven: Brewery 100 Watt
One of the local bigger breweries you can visit in Eindhoven is Brewery 100 Watt and their bar.