One of the local bigger breweries you can visit in Eindhoven is Brewery 100 Watt and their bar.
Tag: Eindhoven
Eindhoven: De Bierbrigadier, Bier & Big and Papa Brews
This week it has been exactly five years since Casper opened bottle shop De Bierbrigadier in Eindhoven! I have known Casper all my life, so it was extra fun to interview him.
Eindhoven: De Bierprofessor
As promised I would take a closer look at all the more recent beer venues in Eindhoven. The oldest one still in business is De Bierprofessor.
Eindhoven: David Hendrich
I said I would come back to the beer side of Eindhoven. And what better way to start than to talk to someone who wanted to write about beery side of Eindhoven as well and ended up with writing a book about the breweries of the past in Eindhoven?
Eindhoven city tour
As of last week we are with almost 250 certified biersommeliers in the Netherlands. A week ago Tastewise and I guided a group of biersommeliers through beery Eindhoven.
Dutch beer culture
I’m writing about so many other cultures, I should write something about Dutch beer culture as well, and don’t make the mistake that it doesn’t exist, it does 🙂
Eindhoven and beer
This post is way overdue, but Eindhoven is my home town, and certainly needs to be here. Besides, Eindhoven has such an interesting beer history!
Schneider Weisse fanclubtreffen
The interesting part about Schneider is that they hold their fans in special regard. They even have fanclubs all over the world which they support and every year there’s a fanclubtreffen. This year the treffen was in Eindhoven.